CPE Information

NASBA Registry

SACUBO is a registered sponsor of CPE credits for Certified Public Accountants with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). SACUBO programs adhere to NASBA standards and requirements, and the listing of SACUBO on the NASBA Registry means that the CPE credits given for the SACUBO programs are recognized by most SBAs. The SACUBO Sponsor Identification Number is 104508.

Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

SACUBO is a registered sponsor of CPE credits for the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA). SACUBO programs will also adhere to the TSBPA standards and requirements set forth in the CPE Sponsor Agreement. The SACUBO Sponsor Identification Number is 010125.

CPE State Requirements

Each State Board of Accountancy (SBA) maintains different standards for CPE credits. CPE sponsorship by a given SBA does not imply endorsement of the merits or quality of SACUBO programs. It is the responsibility of attendees to become familiar with the standards and procedures of their state’s SBA.

Registration Information for SACUBO Programs

Registration of SACUBO programs is provided via an online registration system. Registration links are posted along with program information. For assistance registering for a program, please contact the SACUBO office.

CPE Certificates

SACUBO offers CPE credits for educational sessions that meet the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. Currently, SACUBO offers multiple programs throughout the year – Women’s Leadership Forum, Annual Meeting, CBMI, and Fall Workshop. CPE credits are granted based on a 50-minute hour. For questions regarding CPE credits for CBMI, please email [email protected]. For questions regarding CPE credits for other programs or SACUBO’s NASBA status, contact Myra Goodwin.

SACUBO CPE certificates are available approximately four weeks after an event. For SACUBO events prior to April 2022, CPE certificates are available through your SACUBO account on the NACUBO portal (the account you set up and used when registering for the event). Access your CPE certificate by logging into your account and selecting My CPEs. Select Print Certificate next to the program. A new window will open (be sure to disable your pop-up blocker), and you will be able to print your CPE certificate through your web browser.  For SACUBO events after March 2022, your CPE certificate will be emailed to you approximately four weeks after the event.

 For additional assistance with logging into your SACUBO account, accessing your CPE certificates, or administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact the SACUBO office.

CPE Logo

The Southern Association of College and University Business Officers (SACUBO) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBAregistry.org.