President's Message

I am honored and grateful to be your SACUBO President for FY 2024-25. My theme this year is CONNECTIONS. What this means is we are friends, have each other’s backs, and take genuine interest in each other. Since we support each other, we can also better serve our institutions, students, and communities. One big push this year is to increase our number of members, as that is the lifeblood of our organization and adds the most value to our institutions and to you professionally. Renew your SACUBO membership, or join for the first time, now.  

Also, mark your calendars and sign-up for these signature SACUBO events so we can CONNECT with each other in person:

  • 2024 Fall Workshop | Austin, TX | October 30-November 1, 2024 | Registration Opens in June

SACUBO is also a sponsor of the College Business Management Institute (CBMI) in Lexington, KY which is this July 21-26, 2024, so do not miss that quality educational opportunity as well!

Why SACUBO?  SACUBO offers relevant continuing professional education (CPE) for Business Officers in higher education. Whatever issues you are facing at your institutions, SACUBO’s conferences likely address those topics and provide best practices information and support. Also, SACUBO members are some of the best people you will meet. You will expand your professional network in an encouraging and supportive environment. 

You elected an outstanding board of directors to help put on all the programming, great educational opportunities, and fun SACUBO events. A special thanks to our volunteers and business partners for leaning into SACUBO and improving our institutions. Stronger higher education institutions provide better student experiences and positive life-changing outcomes.

Let’s CONNECT in FY 2025!

Darrell Duncan
SACUBO President

The Years in Review