Contact SACUBO

Reach Out to the SACUBO Office

SACUBO is a professional organization and does not have any employees of its own. Our work is made possible by our volunteers and through executive and operational support provided bSBI Association Management

To contact SACUBO, you can write, call, or send us an email. When you call the SACUBO Office, any one of the staff will be able to help you.

The Southern Association of College and University Business Officers (SACUBO)

Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Phone: (206) 210-7751
Email: [email protected]
2150 N 107th St. Suite 330
Seattle, WA 98133


Megan Miller, CMP, VEMM - Executive Director
Pam Sefrino - Assistant Director
Stephanie Martinez - Senior Event Manager
Sarah Getsinger - Business Partner Manager
Tayton Hewitt - Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Kat Thorton - Member Services Coordinator


Reach Out to Our Board & Committee Members